Photo Coyote Yet another version of an ordinary reality.

Don’t Snooze And Lose Your Right To Choose

It’s not my intention to write a politically slanted blog. But, jeez! There are so many creepazoids in the vast Out There who are determined to estrange you from your civil liberties. And they would much prefer you to remain uninformed about their evil intentions. So… tah-dah! Me to the rescue.

Are you of the opinion that you have a right to know whether or not you’re consuming meat and dairy products that come from cloned animals? The FDA, doesn’t think so. Despite public outcry and the fact that the FDA’s own science board released a report stating that their agency lacks expertise in cloned foods risk/benefit assessment, yours truly approved the distribution of meat and milk from cloned animals for human consumption. But, wait! There’s more. The FDA will not require the producers of cloned foods to label them as such. If these facts concern you (and even if they don’t), click on the following link to sign a petition asking Congress to reverse the FDA’s decision.

I want to know what I’m eating!

Wanna sign another one? There’s also a movement afoot to make it illegal for farmers to label their milk “rGBH-free.” I know. I can’t believe it either. If you want to retain the right to choose whether or not to drink harmful hormones, click the following link.

I want to know what I’m drinking!

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