Photo Coyote Yet another version of an ordinary reality.

Do Something

Happy Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day, I made a committment to use as few resources as possible for 24 hours. This was a relatively easy fĂȘte accomplis because I’ve been quite ill for the past few days, and have pretty much been lying around doing nothing but perfecting the art of staring stuporously into space with […]

Caucus 2008

This is an old-school, low-res, phone-cam version of some of the folks at our Democratic caucus yesterday afternoon. There were actually 4 times that many folks in the room. And the other rooms in the rest of the facility were full as well. It was very gratifying to see so many people turn out. I […]

Don’t Snooze And Lose Your Right To Choose

It’s not my intention to write a politically slanted blog. But, jeez! There are so many creepazoids in the vast Out There who are determined to estrange you from your civil liberties. And they would much prefer you to remain uninformed about their evil intentions. So… tah-dah! Me to the rescue. Are you of the […]

They Forever Go Together

Ben Cohen, famed co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, is a truly awesome dude. He’s a social activist on steroids. Few people are aware that Cohen is also the founder of True Majority, as well as a board member of Business Leaders For Sensible Priorities. Both these organizations promote reducing the obscene amount of […]
